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CA YIMBY and the Endangered Habitats League have partnered to convene a coalition of leading environmental & housing organizations to solve one of California’s most pressing challenges: How do we build more housing that’s affordable, while protecting critical natural and working lands?

Learn more about the Alliance for Housing and Climate Solutions by watching this recording of our first event.



California YIMBY California YIMBY

Gentrification by Fire

The West’s new climate is exacerbating housing inequality in the quintessentially blue state of California.

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California YIMBY California YIMBY

California faces a housing/wildfire conundrum


As California ramps up pressure on local authorities to build more housing, it also should be more specific on where that housing can and cannot be built in light of California’s propensity for destructive wildfires.

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California YIMBY California YIMBY

Americans' Addiction to Parking Lots Is Bad for the Climate. California Wants to End It

“Parking minimums” may not sound exciting. But if you live in the U.S., they have likely shaped your city. For the better part of a century, in a bid to make driving easier, almost every town in the country has forced developers to build a minimum number of parking spaces at almost every kind of building, from apartment blocks to abattoirs.

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California YIMBY California YIMBY

California’s Most Important Climate Bill You Haven’t Heard Of

Parking reform on Gov. Newsom’s desk could deliver major environmental & equity wins

It took a decade, but the California legislature has finally delivered to the governor one of the most critical climate and equity bills in the country. No, it’s not mandating carbon neutrality or increasing renewable energy. It’s finally ending local mandates that all new housing and infill projects must include car storage, even if they’re located within half-mile of transit.

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California YIMBY California YIMBY

In California, a New Fight to Stop Building in the Path of Fire

When Pat Donley learned about the proposed 16,000-acre luxury development that would border her ranch in the burn-scarred hills of Northern California, her mind raced back to the terrifying hour she spent in bumper-to-bumper traffic while fleeing the Valley fire in 2015, as a barrage of flames advanced down either side of the road.

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California YIMBY California YIMBY

Opinion: To fight climate change, we must redesign San Diego communities

As the world struggles for consensus on climate action and national policy focuses on reducing greenhouse gas emissions, the impacts of climate change occur all around us. Drought, intense heat, wildfires, hurricanes, tornadoes and rising seas, all on a scale not previously seen and often happening concurrently, bear witness to this.

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